Mobile technology for psychologists
Publié le: Monday, October 21, 2013
Auteur: Jocelyn Morettini, M.Ps.
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PTSD Coach has been originally created by the United-State's National center for PTSD (for US veterans). The Canadian Veterans Affairs has updated de PTSD Coach app for Canadian usage. References are made for Canadians, and most importantly, it is now available in French under the name ESPT Coach Canada.
If the estimated prevalence of lifetime PTSD is 6.8% in the general population. This means that the app could now offer help up too almost 15 million worldwide French speaking person suffering from PTSD once in there life. That is great news!
For both original reviews go here or here
PTSD Coach (National Center for PTSD) is now available on the Android platform. This app, originally created for US veterans, can be useful to anyone with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). At this time, the app is really the only real option for the Android platform (at least by my research). In includes many functions, including an evaluation questionnaire, a distress thermometer, tools to manage some PTSD symptoms (ex. progressive muscle relaxation, falling asleep), a tool to find professional support and considerable information about PTSD. You can even schedule periodic self-assessments to prevent symptoms and track progress. For the full original review by Sylvain Roy [see here].