Mobile technology for psychologists

Publié le: Sunday, December 4, 2011

Auteur: Jocelyn Morettini, M.Ps.

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If you have a patient with working memory or attention deficits, this app could be a very useful tool to use with him or her. The “Memory Trainer” android app focuses on working memory, spatial span and selective attention. Training is encompassed in six different exercises. One exercise involves generating a ToDo lists with full length sentences. The patient is then asked to remember parts of the sentences. The exercise is thus very ecological and potentially generalizable to real life.
You can choose to do a progressive training over 20 sessions or decide your activity and difficulty level. The app will log your session performance and plot it on a graph. This graph can be useful for the neuropsychologist wanting to follow-up on the client's progress, to confront them on their limitations or motivate them if needed.
The app, created by Urbian Inc, will also offer tips on ways to improve memory. For example, chunking information together, creating imagery, recommending healthy life styles, etc. Finally, the app also gives some information about what is short term memory. And it’s free.